Motor Vehicle & Motorcycle Collisions

All persons involved in motor vehicle accidents are entitled to receive compensation for medical treatment, income loss, care giving expenses, housekeeping and other out-of-pocket expenses arising from collision-related injuries. We will work diligently to ensure that you receive all benefits to which you are entitled to under the law.

Please contact us for a free consultation. We will inform you of your rights and assist you with your third-party tort claim; which involves bringing a legal action against the at-fault party (or at-fault parties).

In a tort claim, you may obtain compensation for pain and suffering. In general, a tort claim must be commenced by the third anniversary after which you discover or ought to have discovered that you have sustained serious injuries because of the motor vehicle accident.

Recover Personal Injury Attorneys ensures that our clients focus on their recovery while our legal team takes care of all legal aspects. Our lawyers have decades of experience and with countless successful cases.

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